Stock Trading Course by Financial Tech Wiz

The free Financial Tech Wiz stock trading course teaches you how to read stock charts, swing trade, invest, and trade options like a pro. Whether you are a complete beginner to the stock market or a seasoned trader, the free Financial Tech Wiz Trading Course will point you in the right direction! The course is continually updated and comes with access to our exclusive Discord community, where you can talk with experienced traders and investors. Simply enter your email below and you will get access for free.

Get Your Free Trading Resources

– Download our free trading journal template
– Access our custom scanners and watchlists
– Access our free trading course and community!

What Does the Stock Trading Course Cover?

The Financial Tech Wiz course covers everything you need to know to be successful in the stock market. It is also conitnually updated with additional lessons. Here is a summary of what you can expect:

Basics of Investing

This section is great for beginners. It will teach you how to build a consistent long-term investment portfolio with minimal upkeep. You will learn:

  • How to set up a brokerage account
  • How to invest in ETFs
  • How to take advantage of compound growth by investing
  • How to structure your investment portfolio

Technical Analysis

This section teaches you how to read stock charts like a pro. You will learn:

Options Trading

This section teaches you how to combine options trading with your investment portfolio. Here is what you will learn:

How Much Does the Stock Trading Course Cost?

The Financial Tech Wiz trading course is free and includes access to the custom scanners in our exclusive trading community.